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Photovoltaic power generation boosts green development in rural areas

Time:2024-06-03 17:44:22 Source:travelViews(143)

Beijing, March 13 (Youth.cn) - On March 12th, 2024, at Huangsha Village, Zhuangkou Town, Huichang County Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, the large-scale distributed integrated demonstration photovoltaic power station shimmered under the sunlight with its rows of blue photovoltaic panels.  

In recent years, Huichang County in Ganzhou City has prioritized ecological and green development concepts, efficiently integrating and utilizing idle land and abundant solar energy resources. The county has actively developed clean and renewable energy sources, fostering new drivers for rural economic growth, increasing local residents' income, thereby injecting new vitality into the revitalization of rural areas. Photo/ VCG 

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